The Beehive building

Whānau Resilience procurement workshops

At the end of 2018, we held a number of workshops across the country with communities to discuss the upcoming investment in Whānau Resilience and what this may mean for them. These workshops covered what Whānau Resilience services might look like, as well as the intended procurement approach.

Documents based on the feedback from these workshops can be found below. This includes a copy of the PowerPoint slides, a summary of the feedback from the workshops, and updated questions and answers on Whānau Resilience.

Two-stage evaluation process

We went through a two-stage process to establish the regional collaboration groups for Whānau Resilience.

In stage one, providers had the opportunity to apply through a written application for the design and delivery of the new Whānau Resilience services.

A total of 309 applications were received from 201 different organisations and collectives from a range of service providers across the country.

These applications were assessed by a National Panel of evaluators, who then produced a shortlist of providers. Of the 309 eligible proposals, 175 were shortlisted nationwide.

Successful providers were then invited to present, kanohi ki te kanohi, in an open forum to their peers and a regional procurement panel that included local and cultural representation.

From here, a number of regional collaboration groups were formed, where providers will take up to 12 months to work together across their region to determine the needs of their communities and what is already available, test ideas and then deliver a clear service concept at the end of the process, ready for delivery.

Feedback on the evaluation process

We asked providers for their views on the Whānau Resilience procurement process – 88 responses were received, with people spending around 10 minutes completing the questions.

This gave us valuable information on how people found the overall experience, and suggestions to further improve the process.

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