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Frequently asked questions - family violence services

On this page providers of family violence services can find answers to frequently asked questions.

What is the purpose of the work programme?

Family violence providers have managed to provide support and guidance to New Zealanders for many years in difficult circumstances.

Over the past few years the sector has increasingly been working together to reduce the prevalence and impact of family violence in New Zealand.  

At the Ministry, we want to build on this momentum and work towards sustainable funding for services that are whānau-centred, outcomes-focused and integrated.

To do this, we want to work with the sector to develop a new Family Violence Funding Plan for the funding and delivery of family violence services.

Who leads the government’s family violence response?

The responsibility for addressing family violence sits across a range of Ministerial portfolios including Social Development. Agencies are continuing to work together to ensure the whole-of-government has a more joined up approach to family violence.

A range of work is being done by government agencies. You can find out more on the Ministry of Justice website.

MSD’s Family Violence Funding Plan will align with the Government’s overall strategy to funding and commissioning family violence services.

What services are currently funded by the Ministry?

The Ministry is the lead government agency for family violence prevention work and for funding the bulk of services for families and whānau experiencing family violence.

Currently, the Ministry provides funding to 176 providers, for services for whānau and families, victims and non-mandated perpetrators.

The contracts for these services are managed by Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Children on our behalf through a shared services arrangement.

Will the programme of work affect provider funding for 2018/19?

No, the programme of work will not have any impact on provider funding for the 2018/19 financial year. Any changes to the way the Ministry funds family violence services are not going to be immediate, they are about paving the way for the future approach to the funding and delivery of family violence services.

How are you going about the work programme?

We are taking a phased approach to development of the new Funding Plan. The first phase involved research and engagement across the family violence sector.

This phase will be followed by an analysis of the information gathered and the development of a new funding plan. We will then be looking to work with the sector to co-design how the funding plan will be implemented.

How are you engaging with providers of services?

We made a commitment to work closely with the community and family violence sector throughout this programme of work. We will continue to be open and transparent about the work.

During the first phase we met with a sample of providers (randomly selected across a range of services) to learn and understand the current service delivery and the gaps.

We also provided an opportunity for all providers to give their views confidentially and anonymously through a survey.

Does the work programme impact funding for family violence prevention campaigns?

The Ministry co-ordinates three family violence prevention campaigns – It’s not OK, E tū Whānau and Pasefika Proud. These campaigns are outside the scope of the work programme.

How long with the work programme take?

The first phase ran from April to June 2018. An analysis of the findings and development of the new funding plan will be carried out between July and September 2018. The timing for future stages of the work has yet to be confirmed.

How will you keep the sector informed about the work programme?

We will keep you informed about the work programme through our regular newsletter and other channels.

How can providers ask any questions about this work?

We can be contacted by email at

More information

For more information, please contact us at