Terms and conditions of the Te Korowai Whetū Social Cohesion community fund
This section outlines the Terms and Conditions of the Fund that apply for all community groups.
- The community group will inform the Ministry of any funding your organisation receives from any other Government source for your initiatives.
- The community group agrees to acknowledge the assistance of the Ministry in any publicity about their service.
- The community group will not do or omit to do any act that brings the Ministry into disrepute.
- The community group will repay all or a portion of the funding paid by the Ministry, if the community group does not satisfactorily deliver the initiative.
- This Fund is a one-off contribution to your organisation. The Ministry cannot guarantee that there will be any on-going funding for your initiative. The community group should not expect or rely on continued funding.
- Fund payments made to community groups who are GST registered will be subject to pay GST.
- The community group will not subcontract or assign the obligations of this Fund with any organisation other than an organisation/s specified in this Fund application without prior written permission from the Ministry, and no third party may enforce this Fund.
- The community group will provide a report about the initiative, including what was done, the impact and how the funds were spent. No personal information will be provided.
- The community group must maintain financial records of the Fund expenditure including the retention of receipts for auditing purposes.
- The community group acknowledges that the Ministry will publish the names of community groups that have received funding, the purpose and amount of funding.
- The community group will contribute 50% of the total costs to fund the initiative. Total cost = amount of funding requested + group's contribution (other funding and in-kind contributions).