Our outcomes framework describes what we are seeking to achieve and how we will achieve it - Annual Report 2019 - 2020

Our outcomes – what we seek to achieve for New Zealanders

New Zealanders get the support they require

We need to provide New Zealanders with all the services and support they are entitled to, and to ensure that people are confi dent they will get the fi nancial and other support they are entitled to when they need it, including a warm, dry and secure home.

New Zealanders are resilient and live in inclusive and supportive communities

We recognise the diversity of the people, whānau, families and communities we serve, and we are committed to improving their wellbeing. We are improving New Zealanders’ access to tools, skills and resources to help them to respond better to the challenges in their lives, including fi nancial literacy. We support communities to be inclusive, supportive and free from violence. We want people who have experienced harm or do not feel safe to know that help is available and to understand where they can get it.

New Zealanders participate positively in society and reach their potential

We want to improve people’s readiness for and access to employment, while recognising that people also participate through volunteering or caring for whānau and families. We engage with people, families, whānau and communities to understand their aspirations and what is important to them, including their situation, culture and values. We help to connect people with opportunities to realise their goals, reach their potential and grow, and participate positively in society.

Our impacts - how we know we are on track

  • Improve equity of outcomes, particularly for Māori
  • Improve people’s trust and confi dence in the welfare system
  • Improve eff ectiveness of support
  • Reduce the number of people in hardship or insecure housing
  • Improve awareness of and access to support
  • Reduce harm and improve the strength of whānau, families and communities
  • Improve our contribution to industry and regional development
  • Improve the eff ectiveness of connections across diff erent providers and organisations
  • Improve employment outcomes through sustainable work
  • Improve people’s readiness for work, including through training and education
  • Improve people’s ability to participate meaningfully in society

Our key shifts - how we achieve our outcomes

Mana manaaki image: a korowai.

Mana manaaki

A positive experience every time

We will look after the dignity of people with warmth, listening, respect, compassion, openness and fairness, helping people, whānau, families and communities.

Kotahitanga image: a kete.


Partnering for greater impact

We are stronger when we work together with whānau, families, hapū, iwi, providers, communities and other government agencies.

Kia takatū tātou image: a bellbird.

Kia takatū tātou

Supporting long-term social and economic development

We will prepare ourselves for the future and take a long-term approach to community, regional and economic development. To improve employment outcomes, we will support people to acquire skills for current and future job markets.

MSD Values

Our strategic direction and our work are all about people and making a difference. In early 2020 we agreed on a set of values for our organisation for the future. Our four Values are an expression of who we are and what we stand for. They align with our purpose and will guide our behaviour.

All MSD people are committed to living our Values [1]

Manaaki icon


We care about the wellbeing and success of people

This design is the interconnected relationship of the organisation and the community. The koru are the reflection of one another.

Whānau icon


We are inclusive and build belonging

The koru and puhoro are symbols of the strength of whānau and whakapapa. The mangōpare design in the middle is the common thread that binds us to Papatūānuku.

Mahi tahi icon

Mahi tahi

We work together, making a difference for communities

This design comes from rauru, a design that can reflect the separation of Ranginui and Papatūānuku as a result of their children working together.

Tiki me to pono icon

Tika me te Pono

We do the right thing with integrity

This design depicts a maunga, the sense of a higher purpose and responsibility of the organisation to be honest and trustworthy. The bindings of the maunga are the many threads needed to achieve this.

We measure our organisational performance against a set of indicators

These indicators help us understand our progress against the outcomes, impacts and key shifts identified in our performance framework. Current and historical performance results and trends are shown in the Our Story in 2019/20 section of this report.

We continued to develop our strategic framework

Over the last two years we have developed a strategy for delivering a future where we make a greater positive difference in people’s lives. We now have three major strategies for working differently with our clients, whānau/families, iwi, communities, partners and providers.


  1. We launched the new Values on 9 July 2020. We are rolling out a programme to embed them and make them very visible and tangible for our people. They will help define who we are and what we stand for, guiding our behaviours and decisions. Return to text

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