Measuring our performance
Our outputs reflect the services we deliver to clients, families, whānau, communities and other agencies. Each year we receive funding from the Government to deliver these services; the majority of this funding is for spending through welfare programmes to provide benefits to New Zealanders. We agree with the Government how we will use this funding, and how we will measure our performance. The performance measures and their agreed standards are published in the annual Estimates of Appropriations on Budget Day, and may be amended in Supplementary Estimates during the year.

We achieved 64 out of 78 performance standards this year, compared with 76 out of 90 last year [7].

Description of the Government expenditure graph
- $26.43 billion of government expenditure [8]
- NZ Superannuation $14.56bn
- Departmental operating cost $1.02bn
- Student support $2.04bn
- Housing assistance and rent payments $1.96bn
- Benefits and assistance $6.57bn
- Contracted services $0.21bn
- Debt write-of $0.07bn
[7] Last year’s figures include measures and standards in Vote Social Development and Vote Social Housing. This year our Vote Social Housing measures were transferred to Vote Housing and Urban Development in October 2018, with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development assuming responsibility for them.
[8] Full details of this spending are set out in the Financial Statements starting on page 163 in the Annual report PDF - please see the PDF below