Kaupapa Inquiries
Supporting the Waitangi Tribunal Kaupapa inquiries.
The Waitangi Tribunal is carrying out a comprehensive programme of Kaupapa Inquiries that deal with nationally significant issues affecting Māori. They include issues such as housing, health, mana wāhine, justice, military veterans, and social services and social development.
The inquiries are an opportunity for us to be better positioned to address current and past issues, and to continue our commitment to achieve better outcomes for Māori.
MSD and Kaupapa Inquiries
MSD is taking part in several Kaupapa Inquiries because we develop policy and provide support and services for Māori and in partnership with Māori.
Military Veterans Inquiry (Wai 2500)
The Military Veterans Inquiry concerns claims involving past military service undertaken directly for or on behalf of the New Zealand Crown, and the treatment of ex-servicemen and women. The New Zealand Defence Force is leading the Crown’s response to this inquiry, and MSD is a support agency.
For further information, see:
Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry (Wai 2575)
The Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry is inquiring into claims concerning grievances relating to health services and outcomes, which are of national significance. The current phase of the inquiry has looked at disability. Future phases will look at mental health and alcohol and substance abuse. Manatū Hauora is leading the Crown’s response to this inquiry.
For further information, see:
Mana Wāhine Inquiry (Wai 2700)
The Mana Wāhine Inquiry will inquire into claims which allege prejudice to Māori women arising from Crown breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi with damage to their customary roles and relationships with their whenua, whakapapa and mātauranga, and serious prejudicial consequences for their social, economic, cultural and spiritual well-being, and their access to leadership roles. Manatū Wāhine is leading the Crown’s response to this inquiry.
For further information, see:
Housing Policy and Services Inquiry (Wai 2750)
The Housing Policy and Services Inquiry will hear outstanding claims with grievances concerning housing policy and services.
Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is leading the Crown’s response to the Wai 2750 Kaupapa Inquiry. MSD is working closely with HUD on the inquiry because we support people with housing needs and have a key role in how the Crown responds to homelessness.
For further information, see:
Te Rau o Te Tika: Justice System Inquiry (Wai 3060)
Te Rau o Te Tika: Justice System Inquiry will focus on the administration of justice, including the funding of claimant participation in Waitangi Tribunal processes, the application of tikanga in administering justice, and criminal and civil justice matters.
For further information, see:
Social Services and Social Development Inquiry
The Kaupapa Inquiry into social services and social development has not yet commenced. It will hear claims with issues relating to child protection, family well-being, welfare provision and social development processes of impoverishment, urbanisation policy and impacts. MSD will lead the Crown’s response to this Inquiry.
If you have any queries regarding MSD’s Kaupapa Inquiries Programme, please contact kaupapa_inquiries@msd.govt.nz.
Online research tool
Te Hao Rangahau is a database of relevant MSD research and analysis documents to support those working on Kaupapa Inquiries. It includes A Chronology: Social Welfare Policy and Māori, to provide historic context, and bibliographic information for more than 1500 documents.