Looking ahead
For 2019/20 we have identified three organisational priorities to focus on with a view to further achieving this outcome:
- Welfare overhaul – The Government is committed to overhauling the welfare system. Our role in providing advice to the Government and delivering on this work programme is critical to the effective overhaul of the system.
- Service experience – We need to provide the best service we can to our clients. Our strategic shift mana manaaki is about a positive experience every time. We will take the changes we have been making to the frontline further by helping clients get what they need the first time they approach us. Te Pae Tata will provide the foundation for us to deliver better services more effectively for Māori.
- A place to call home – Having a place to call home is the foundation for almost everything else in a person’s life, but for many of our clients it is not a stable foundation. We need to provide people with as much accommodation support as they need and are entitled to until greater housing supply becomes available.
Our strategic shift mana manaaki reflects that people will be aware of all the support available to them and confident they will receive it. It means:
- we will build trusted relationships with people, whānau, families and communities
- we want people to feel comfortable dealing with us and empowered to have great choices about their future
- we will encourage open discussion and engagement with our clients
- we want all people, whānau, families and communities to feel they can be open and tell us about their experiences; we want them to feel confident they will be listened to and that we care about them and their future
- we will work with people so they get the support that is right for them and their situation, taking into account the whānau and family environment they live in
- we will use the data we collect responsibly, including the voices of clients and providers as well as evidence about what works
- new technology will help people to connect with us in ways that are people-centred and that they have helped us to design.