
Service Delivery

The Service Delivery group works together to make a difference for New Zealanders. Whether that’s helping someone get sorted financially so they can study, supporting someone into work, ensuring support is there for someone who can’t work, helping one of our seniors by granting their entitlement to New Zealand Superannuation, or giving New Zealanders confidence that the system they fund is being used by people in genuine need.

Service Delivery is made up of the following groups:

Work and Income

Work and Income provides employment services and income support throughout New Zealand. They offer a single point of contact for New Zealanders needing work-search support, income support and in-work support. They also assess people’s need for social housing. Work and Income is divided into a network of 11 regions, each headed by a Regional Commissioner.


StudyLink administers Student Allowances, Student Loans and Jobseeker Support Student Hardship for people undertaking study. StudyLink helps students make informed choices about their student finance, and to apply for it and manage it online.

Senior Services

Senior Services supports people as they age by providing information, connections and financial support so they can live secure and meaningful lives in their communities.

Seniors has staff in Work and Income service centres around New Zealand and in centralised processing and contact centres in Wellington and Whangarei. 

Our services include:

  • New Zealand Superannuation and Veteran’s Pension and extra financial help
  • SuperGold Card
  • Community Services Card
  • International Services
  • Residential Care Subsidy
  • Residential Support Subsidy.