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Family violence

Elder Abuse and Fear of Crime Among Older People - Report on an Australian Conference and on New Zealand Initiatives

Fleur Keys and Maree Brown
Issue 01 November 1993

Dilemmas in the Criminalisation of Spousal Abuse

Helene Carbonatto
Issue 02 July 1994

Children and Family Violence: The Unnoticed Victims

Gabrielle M Maxwell
Issue 02 July 1994

The New Zealand Economic Cost of Family Violence

Suzanne Snively
Issue 04 July 1995

Leibrich et al.: Hitting Home: Men Speak about Abuse of Women

Ken McMaster
Issue 05 December 1995

4th International Family Violence Research Conference

Paula Martin
Issue 05 December 1995

Restorative Justice: A Family Violence Perspective

Paula Martin
Issue 06 July 1996

Being Bashed is Just Something I have to Accept: Western Samoan Women's Attitudes Towards Domestic Violence in Christchurch

Jo Cribb
Issue 09 November 1997

Distorted Childhoods: The Meaning of Violence for Children

Gabrielle Maxwell, Janis Carrol-Lind
Issue 10 June 1998

World Conference on Family Violence Sharing Solutions. Changing the World.

Janine Moss
Issue 12 July 1999

Discipline or Punishment: A Conference Review

Mike Roguski
Issue 23 December 2004

A Differential Response Model for Child Protection in New Zealand: Supporting More Timely and Effective Responses to Notifications

Steve Waldegrave and Fiona Coy
Issue 25 July 2005

The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse

Tracy Anderson
Issue 26 November 2005

The Needs of Pacific Women when they are Victims of Family Violence

’Ana Hau’alofa’ia Koloto, Sashi Sharma
Issue 26 November 2005

The Social Sanctioning of Partner Abuse: Perpetuating the Message that Partner Abuse is Acceptable in New Zealand

Janice R. Giles, Helen M. Curreen, Carole E. Adamson
Issue 26 November 2005

Seeds of Tyranny

Anna Pinto
Issue 27 March 2006

Contrasting National Jurisdictional and Welfare Responses to Violence to Children

Charles Waldegrave
Issue 27 March 2006

The State of Research on the Effects of Physical Punishment

Anne B. Smith
Issue 27 March 2006

From Mopping Up the Damage to Preventing the Flood: The Role of Social Policy in Preventing Violence against Children

Joan E. Durrant
Issue 28 July 2006

Cultural Conceptualisation of Child Abuse and Responses to It: An Aboriginal Perspective

Sue Gordon
Issue 28 July 2006

Stabilisation of the Statutory Child Protection Response: Managing to a Specified Level of Risk Assurance

James Mansell
Issue 28 July 2006

Response to “Stabilisation of the Statutory Child Protection Response”

Eileen Munro
Issue 28 July 2006

Author’s Reply to Eileen Munro

James Mansell
Issue 28 July 2006

The Underlying Instability in Statutory Child Protection: Understanding the System Dynamics Driving Risk Assurance Levels

James Mansell
Issue 28 July 2006

What do Children Tell Us about Physical Punishment as a Risk Factor for Child Abuse?

Terry Dobbs
Issue 30 March 2007

Risky Work: Child Protection Practice

Tony Stanley
Issue 30 March 2007

Family Violence in Asian Communities, Combining Research and Community Development

Samson Tse
Issue 31 July 2007

Domestic Violence and Pro-Arrest Policy

Greg Newbold, Jenny Cross
Issue 33 March 2008

Ethnic Identity and Intimate Partner Violence in a New Zealand Birth Cohort

Dannette Marie, David M. Fergusson, Joseph M. Boden
Issue 33 March 2008

Police Initiated Protection Orders and their Potential Impact on Women
A Discussion Document

Alison Towns
Issue 34 April 2009

Child Protection Policy and Practice
A Relationship Lost in Translation

Ian Hyslop
Issue 34 April 2009

A Place where it is not Okay to Hit Children
The Role of Professionals

Julie Lawrence, Anne Smith
Issue 34 April 2009

Keeping Older People Safe by Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect

Kathryn Peri, Janet Fanslow, Jennifer Hand and John Parsons
Issue 35 June 2009

Ethnic Identity and Exposure to Maltreatment in Childhood: Evidence from a New Zealand Birth Cohort 

Dannette Marie, David M Fergusson and Joseph M. Boden
Issue 36 July 2009