Video transcript for The Minister for Social Development and Employment, Hon Carmel Sepuloni, welcomes the release of the Pacific Prosperity through Social Enterprise Report
Talofa lava, Kia orana, Noa’ia e mauri, Malo e lelei, Taloha ni, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni sa bula vinaka, Talofa, Kia ora, Tena koutou katoa – Warm Pacific greetings to you all.
Today, as we launch the Pacific Prosperity through Social Enterprise Evaluation Report and Rubric Framework for Policy, Planning and Practice, there are many reasons to celebrate.
Exploring opportunities to recognise and invest in Pacific social enterprise models, this piece of work was a collaboration success story – between government agencies and Pacific community groups, all with the objective to see Pacific Aotearoa flourish.
The reports we are launching today, funded by MSD’s Industry Partnership team, have created a robust foundation for MSD and MPP to continue to work collaboratively in support of Pacific social enterprise. A collaboration where Pacific peoples are at the heart of development, thinking and decision-making.
Throughout the project, the strengths and abilities of Pacific peoples to drive their own innovative solutions, was always at the forefront.
For many of the participating families in this pilot, it has been a transformational time.
Employment opportunities have been created for Pacific communities, as well as wealth generation, and empowerment through increased levels of income and revenue, leading to home ownership, improved living conditions, and increased prosperity.
Our Pacific communities will succeed and flourish with the right support in place.
We encourage government agencies, businesses, and community groups to use the report and rubric to help to achieve positive social outcomes for Pacific families. This can be achieved through tailored and culturally appropriate programmes to promote entrepreneurial skills to extend the knowledge and capability from services to families.
Investing in Pacific social enterprise is a way to positively empower and enable Pacific peoples to fulfil their potential and to continue contributing productively to the New Zealand economy and society.
The Pacific Prosperity through Social Enterprise Report and supporting Rubric framework is an exciting development and MSD and MPP are looking forward to continuing to collaborate to support our Pacific community.
Malo ‘aupito