Mother and sone riding bikes.

New Zealand Families Today

New Zealand Families Today was prepared by the Ministry of Social Development as a briefing document for the incoming Families Commissioners.

It is a descriptive document which brings together what is known about families in New Zealand today, based on information from the census, research and administrative data. It also identifies some of the important legislation, government policies and programmes that have direct or indirect impacts on families, and identifies research underway or planned that relates to families.

It contains extensive references and links to assist the reader in locating information.

The Families Commission

The Families Commission commenced operations from 1 July 2004.


The Families Commission is located at:

Families Commission
Komihana a-Whānau
Public Trust Building
117-125 Lambton Quay

Mail Address

Families Commission
PO Box 2839
Wellington 6140


Mother and sone riding bikes.


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