Social Policy Journal of New Zealand - Issue 34 April 2009
Policy Papers
- Baby Bonus or Paid Parental Leave -- Which one is Better?
Paul Callister, Judith Galtry - Paid Parental Leave Under (New) Labour
Katherine Forbes - Facilitating Fertility and Paid Work
Contemporary Family-Friendly Policy Initiatives and their Social Impacts in Australasia
Joanne James
Policy Development
- Police Initiated Protection Orders and their Potential Impact on Women
A Discussion Document
Alison Towns - Child Protection Policy and Practice
A Relationship Lost in Translation
Ian Hyslop
Research Papers
- Challenges to Implementing Good Practice Guidelines for Evaluation with Māori
A Pākehā Perspective
Mathea Roorda, Robin Peace - Responding to the Demand for Quicker Evaluation Findings
Heather Nunns - Just who do we think Children are?
New Zealanders' Attitudes about Children, Childhood and Parenting: An Analysis of Submissions on the Bill to Repeal Section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961
Sophie Debski, Sue Buckley, Marie Russell - A Place where it is not Okay to Hit Children
The Role of Professionals
Julie Lawrence, Anne Smith - Kids on Quads
Responding to Rural Risks
Maxine Campbell - The Impact of the Performance-Based Research Fund on the Research Productivity of New Zealand Universities
Warren Smart - Public and Media Responses to the First Tobacco Litigation Trial in New Zealand
(Pou Versus Bat)
Judith P. McCool, Becky Freeman, George Thomson, Sneha Paul - Tracking the Availability of Drugs in New Zealand
Implications for Policy Response
Chris Wilkins and Paul Sweetsur