Kotahitanga - Funding and contracting opportunities
09 October 2018.
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Employment Service tender available

We are currently calling for tenders from organisations who are interested in supporting clients with a disability or health condition to gain sustainable employment and move closer to financial independence.
The Employment Service contract includes the provision of employment-related case management, placement into open and inclusive employment and any required post-placement support aligned with the client’s needs.
Overall, the service is achieving positive outcomes for clients. However, there is always room for improvement and our Services and Contracts Management team has incorporated feedback from providers into the contract and services being tendered. The new contract provides more flexibility for providers in supporting clients to achieve their employment-related goals.
Register for opportunities on the Government Electronic Tenders (GETS) website
Ka Hao Tangata Grant Fund available

We have set up a new grant fund – Ka Hao Tangata – for community-based organisations in Auckland to improve the work-readiness individuals with significant disadvantages.
The fund will enable wrap-around support to be provided to groups of individuals for up to one year. The maximum funding for each project is $100,000.
The name of the fund is based on the Māori whakataukī/proverb Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi: When the old net withers, another is remade and cast out.
We have extended the interpretation to cover the fund’s intent: The new net that we cast will reach those disadvantaged job seekers who are looking for opportunities to develop and prepare themselves to enter the workforce.
Ka Hao Tangata is being trialled in the Auckland region between September 2018 and December 2019.
Wellbeing focus for Ministry of Youth Development

The Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) is currently reviewing its funding priorities for 1 July 2019 onwards to ensure the Government’s focus on wellbeing is being supported.
We know that some young people don’t have equal opportunities to fulfil their potential and actively participate in their communities. We want to level the playing field so that all young people are empowered to live the kinds of lives they value.
We will run an open tender funding process which will be open to all organisations that support young people aged 12-24 years and meet the funding criteria. We expect to publish information on our updated funding priorities and criteria for the open tender process in late November 2018, with applications opening on 28 January 2019.
Note: the funding tender process has now closed.
Visit the MYD website for general information about funding.