This Strategy sets out the Government’s vision and desired outcomes for children and young people in New Zealand. This is the Strategy that responds to the requirement in the Children’s Act 2014 to adopt a strategy to improve outcomes for children. It provides a snapshot of key actions we are taking now, areas in which we will undertake further work, and the measures we will use to demonstrate progress.
Our approach includes:
- setting targets to focus the public sector on delivering better results for New Zealanders. This includes specific targets for children and young people
- adopting a social investment approach to ensure we base investment decisions on research, data, and evidence of impact
- identifying a small number of priorities to focus coordinated cross-government efforts aimed at addressing the underlying drivers of outcomes for children and young people.
This Strategy refreshes the previous Strategy (published in 2019) so it reflects the current Government’s policies, priorities and activities. Information about the previous Strategy can be found online. The policies adopted under the previous Strategy are also set out online. The effectiveness of this package of policies was evaluated through annual implementation monitoring reports, and the Strategy annual reports, which are available on the Ministry of Social Development website. The Strategy will be reviewed again in late 2027.
The vision and outcomes
We continue to aspire to the vision of New Zealand being the best place in the world for children and young people. We are also committed to the six high level and enduring outcomes in the previous Strategy, as set out below. Consultation with representatives of children and young people and other key stakeholders has confirmed these as the key dimensions of a good life now and into the future. Together, these outcomes describe the experiences we want all children and young people to have.
The vision is that New Zealand is the best place in the world for children and young people
Outcome 1 – Children and young people are loved, safe and nurtured
Outcome 2 – Children and young people have what they need
Outcome 3 – Children and young people are happy and healthy
Outcome 4 – Children and young people are learning and developing
Outcome 5 – Children and young people are accepted, respected and connected
Outcome 6 – Children and young people are involved and empowered
Outcomes for children are outcomes for New Zealand
Children and young people aged 0-24 comprise nearly a third of all New Zealanders, with those aged 0-14 making up nearly a fifth (18.3%) of our population.
Childhood is a formative time. We have a responsibility to protect and support our children and young people, ensuring future generations are set up for success. Children are also the most vulnerable members of society, reliant on and shaped by their experiences, their environment and the people around them - parents, whānau, communities and institutions such as schools.
We already invest significantly in New Zealand’s children, but we can do better. By investing in services and supports that make a positive difference and give children the best start in life, we can reduce the long-term costs of adverse outcomes such as preventable hospitalisations, youth offending, poor mental health, and benefit dependency.