Getting in touch with us
On this Page:
This page will help you find the most appropriate people to answer your questions or respond to your comments.
Postal address
If you need to send us mail, unless stated below, our postal address is:
Senior Services
Ministry of Social Development
PO Box 5054
Wellington 6145
New Zealand
Enquiries on New Zealand Superannuation and other entitlements for 65 plus
Contact phone number |
Freephone 0800 552 002 |
Select an option to tell us about: |
Overseas travel dates |
Select an option to request: |
Post |
Send all general mail to: Send completed NZ Super application online print and post forms with any documents to: |
Special discounts
Community Services Card |
0800 999 999 |
SuperGold Card |
0800 25 45 65 |
Overseas Entitlements: Senior Services International
National phone number (within New Zealand) | 0800 777 227 Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm |
From Australia | 1 800 150 479 Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm (NZ time) |
Other international | Phone: + 64 4 978 1180 Fax: + 64 4 918 0159 Website: Senior Services International Email: international.services@msd.govt.nz Post: Senior Services International PO Box 27-178 Wellington 6140 New Zealand |
Residential Subsidies
Residential Care Subsidy |
0800 999 727 Email: msd_rcs@msd.govt.nz |
Residential Support Subsidy |
0800 999 779 Email: msd_rss@msd.govt.nz |
Veteran's Pension
Contact information |
Phone: 0800 650 656 |
Find your local health and disability co-ordinator on this page. |
Work and Income general enquiries
National phone number | 0800 559 009 Monday to Friday 7am-6pm and Saturday 8am-1pm |
International phone number |
+64 9 913 0300 |
If you would like to make a complaint, this page will help you with the process. |
Hearing or Speech Impaired (or you find it hard to communicate by phone)
Deaf Link free-fax | 0800 621 621 |
Text message (SMS) | 029 286 7170 |
Website: Hearing or Speech Impaired Email: MSD_Deaf_Services@msd.govt.nz | |
If English is your second language, this page will direct you to someone who can help you. |
If you're paying back a debt, and are no longer on income support, please call 0800 558 008 (open Monday to Friday 7am-6pm).
All calls are recorded by the Ministry of Social Development to improve our service to you. These calls are held securely by the Ministry. You can ask for access to your calls by dialling 0800 559 009.
If you have any privacy queries or concerns, please talk to us or write to:
Privacy Officer
Ministry of Social Development
PO Box 1556
Wellington 6140