Illustration of a family with a basket of food.

Resources and support for community food providers

Making referrals to Work and Income

Community food providers are encouraged to refer whānau in the first instance (where eligible and appropriate) to Work and Income for hardship grants for food.

People can also check what financial assistance they may be eligible for using the Check What You Might Get tool.

Family Services Directory

The Family Services Directory to available so people know how to access services.

If you are listed on the Family Services Directory, please ensure your details are up to date, so that people can access your services.

If you need to change information in your Directory listing or be added to the Directory, please email:

Ripe tomatoes and apples in boxes at Kiwi Harvest

Just Kai? Webinar conversations about community kai

MSD's Food Secure Communities and Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective hold regular webinars about community kai.

These webinars aim to assist community food organisations as we work together to create a Food Secure Aotearoa New Zealand. It will be a space for sharing stories about inspiring mahi across Aotearoa New Zealand, with an opportunity for questions and answers.

Food Secure Communities Pānui

If you would like to keep up to date with updates from the Food Secure Communities programme and the fabulous work that is happening as communities work to become food secure, you can sign up to our pānui.

Online resources from community food providers

New Zealand Food Network Procurement Service

For community food providers with budget to spend on food stocks and other day-to-day essentials, the New Zealand Food Network offers a purchasing service for organisations to access bulk products at prices significantly below retail pricing.  A dedicated procurement manager has built strong relationships across many food providers enabling access to varieties and products that may not be readily available through normal retail channels.  

NZFN's normal efficient distribution processes means products can be requested and received in a very short timeframe. Providers can purchase on a one-off or as-required basis or set up a regular delivery of staples.

Kore Haikai food parcel standards

Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective have undertaken research into what should constitute a standard kai pack in Aotearoa. This included a survey of many current foodbank which revealed a great deal of variation in current kai packs. They then received nutritional advice on what a whānau of 4 would require for one week.

Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance: Food Safety Guide

Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance's food safety guide provides clear and useful best-practice advice on food safety for all people involved in the food rescue sector - from donors to drivers and volunteers to recipients.

Illustration of a family with a basket of food.

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