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Building Provider Capability and Resilience Fund

What is the Provider Capability and Resilience Fund?

The Provider Capability & Resilience Fund has closed.

As part of the COVID-19 Budget package, the Ministry of Social Development was allocated funding to invest in the capability and resilience of providers, so they can be safe, sustainable, and strong in the recovery from COVID-19.

The Building Provider Capability and Resilience Fund (the Fund) aims to ensure providers can continue to deliver necessary services to support their communities in responding to and then recovering from the impacts of COVID-19.

Why is the Fund important?

It is recognised that providers will need to have strong and sufficient infrastructure in place to ensure capability and delivery of quality services. This will assist providers in implementing necessary services as part of the COVID-19 response and recovery.

Does the Fund target/prioritise particular groups?

Yes. The Building Provider Capability and Resilience Fund will be targeted to prioritise providers with a focus on supporting Māori, Pacific, ethnic and migrant communities, and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) populations.

When will the Fund be available?

We are working collaboratively with MSD regional leadership teams to identify providers who may benefit from this fund. Invitations to apply will be sent to providers from September 2020. Following this, funds will be paid out.

Who to contact for questions

Please email with any queries.

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