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Supporting people into jobs

03 December 2019.

Jobs the aim of barista and food preparation course

Ten women who recently completed an MSD-funded programme in barista training and food preparation, are raring to become part of Ruapehu’s hospitality sector.

The three-week programme was delivered by tutor John Hudson of Brittain’s Lifelong Choices in Taumarunui High School’s classroom kitchen.

The group officially graduated on 1 November receiving their Beverage and Barista Certificates. Locals can expect to see graduates in cafes in Taumarunui and surrounds during their 50-hour work-based placements.

“It’s a great chance for employers to take a look at them in action,” says John. “They are a great bunch. The aim is for each to be retained by the business they are placed with and things are looking very promising! We are very grateful to the employers involved.”

Graduate Valeesha Hamiora enjoyed learning to make eight different types of beverages. She says the tutors were great. “With the right tutor, you ‘get it’ on the first day!” One of two graduates based at BP, Valeesha is loving cafe work including table and customer service, and care and cleaning of equipment.

Regional Commissioner for Social Development Gloria Campbell says similar programmes have been run by John and his team in Taranaki, Whanganui and Ohakune over the past 18 months. “We are delighted to have been able to give Taumarunui people the same opportunity.”

John says MSD staff have supported the trainees throughout. “We will continue to work together with the graduates to help them secure permanent work,” says John.

“Being at the school has meant a really good community vibe with people popping in and out – probably more for the coffees and the hot chocolates,” John jokes, “But the interest shown has provided huge encouragement for the group, and it’s been extremely rewarding.”

Taum training group with food

Caption: The graduates provided lunch for guests on Graduation Day: Standing: Harley Marsters, Marian Angeles (tutor), Shayvoe Ngarongo-Hunapo, Liz Te Huia (Molly’s mum and supporter), Caren Frewen, Della Brown, Chantelle Coradine (Acting Service Centre Manager MSD), James Stainthorpe (MSD Programme Co-ordinator). Seated: Anahera Turner, Aroha Rehu, Molly Te Huia, John Hudson (tutor) and Adeline Tasmania.

Daniel going up in the world with new job

Daniel is going up in the world with a great new job at Geneva Elevator after being out of work for seven years as a result of injury in a car accident.

During an appointment with his MSD case manager, Daniel mentioned he wanted to work, but felt low in confidence. His case manager arranged for him to meet with the local programme coordinator at the Glenmall office, who referred him to Geneva Elevator.

Daniel met with Geneva Elevator’s Employment Specialist who was warm, welcoming, understanding, and keen to help. The Geneva team asked if he would consider cladding, which could be more suitable for his back, although Daniel wasn’t sure he wanted to give this a try.

Geneva contacted one of their employers and asked if Daniel was able to have a trial to see if this type of work would be suitable for him.  The meeting went so well the employer asked if Daniel was available to start his trial as soon as possible.

All Daniel needed was boots and a hard hat, so the team contacted Daniel’s case manager at the Glenmall office to see if MSD could help – and a grant was approved.

After his three-day trial, Daniel said he would like to be employed full time, as he thoroughly enjoyed this work. His new boss was happy with Daniel’s work, and wanted to take him on full time, once he got the tools he needed to work.

Celia and the Glenmall team assisted Daniel with a transition to work grant and the return to work bonus which Daniel was very surprised about! Daniel says he can’t thank the team at Geneva Elevator and Glenmall Work and Income enough for all they have done for him, and even when people were really busy, they always made time for him.


Daniel going up in the world with new job

Caption: Daniel with Geneva Elevator employment specialist Claire Harker.

Limited Service Volunteer course turning lives around

Brandon Bruning - Limited Service Volunteer

Brandon Bruning always dreamt of working in the security industry – now that dream is a reality, with the help of our Limited Service Volunteer (LSV) course.

Brandon had heard about LSV while applying for Jobseeker Support at MSD and was keen to get involved. ”The team at MSD in Rotorua helped and supported me to work through the application process. Everything is paid for to help you get to the course and you are given a lot of support every step of the way.”

LSV is a free, voluntary six-week residential training programme run by the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) on contract to and in partnership with MSD. It’s targeted at 18 to 24–year-olds.

LSV helps young people get into work or further education by improving their self-discipline, self-confidence, motivation and initiative. These qualities are developed during training and activity that’s delivered within a structured, supportive environment.

Engaging with employers is an essential part of LSV. The programme hosts employer engagement events, targeted at national and regional employers and industry trainers. This gives trainees an opportunity to meet directly with employers to hear what they're looking for and pitch themselves as potential employees.

Three days after returning from LSV Brandon started a casual contract with a local security company. Two weeks later he was offered full time work with Armourguard Security. “Working for Armourguard is awesome. The rosters are always done in advance and the team here is helpful – I really enjoy my job.”

MSD’s Regional Commissioner Mike Bryant encourages anyone who wants to turn their life around like Brandon to ask about LSV at their local MSD office.

“Brandon grabbed an opportunity, and now, as a result, to see him with a job in his industry of choice is just fantastic. We are proud of Brandon and we really value the support of local employers such as Armourguard Security in helping people like Brandon into work.”

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